10 August 2016

The universe shshi bhushan kumar


                     Centum Epsom of failure

As the title of this book centum Epsom of failure
You can understand about me and my life and my nature
As the title of this book tell you all the things
That information about the hundreds of research of a failure student
If you read this book it not only encourage me and you
This encourages the mass of student and people too
People who have the great ideas about the science like you
Because the science is not only inside the book and inside the institution
Science is a broad scope of understanding
This emerged in the mind of people
That’s how to understand the management of nature,
The working principle of nature
Understanding of science and of their research is the different branch of the same tree
The people who have understanding of science they can do research
But the people who have not understanding of bookie science they can also do research,
You know two people understand very easily the science
First one if the people know the holy book and those who know the science book 
Because the holy book like Veda says “माता भूमिः पुत्रोऽहं पृथिव्याः” (Earth is our Mother & we her children).
They define the gravity and gravitational filed
 We belong to a culture that believes in the Mantra and that is our huge resource of science
And understanding who can teach me lots and can be enrich us truly
I will share hundreds of contemplation with you and try to enrich you from science
It is not simple task to complete but, I have to complete this,
I am youngest member of science family so I have to do more for this family
And if you want to make scientist with my simple inducement so like to welcome you.
Yet i am not a very bad poet
So i say that,
"If have a query in your mind then the answer there have in your brain"
How and Why?
 Practice to arise question in your mind that is the key of research
My aim is not to prove myself here but I want to say
When I had failed in one education system
Than after I was created a alternate education system
To give value of my time had not been for certificate
It’s done for knowledge only and knowledge enforce you to do something’s great

So they also enforce me to do something’s than after i start to write

*Knowledge is what?
Knowledge is form of energy which is the most powerful and complex among the complexity
Like fire which is unaffected or which have power to trap the gravity, like fire which goes always
Against the gravity knowledge makes your mind unstable and enforce you to do the something’s right or wrong,
 But if any person who got the good society and family than that person mainly do right or apply
His knowledge in good work which give their society many things and on ground of social political and mantel level.
It is same as the theory of elemental chemistry which say less energy more stability and high energy less stability.
*What is love?
Attraction between two bodies
May be visible or invisible if with invisible that is devotion
Love is the great which has duel nature both fire and water they can teach you more from anything’s
 And that is the great: D
There are two types of love
 Plane love and complex love
Plane love is those loves which encourage you and long lasting which is just like supplementary
That encourages you time to time when you are in bad time. This is just like water which gives you satisfaction.
But the complex love is that for which you have to prove yourself to enjoy the pleasure but, that is
 Complimentary who give completion to you and that is like fire which is free from the gravity and
 Never who always encourage you only by thinking the name of the person, may be by your
(1) Enemy,
(2) Big successful person or
(3) A girl or boy who not loves you
But you love her very much that’s has the very high energy and make your life unstable
Which is more profitable for you but really if the people understand that things than
 He just achieve any goal of life by exchanging that love which is still in form of energy
And in Asian country like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal
 The third types of energy is at pick level, and young people can use this resource,
Which is fire that’s always gives you kick to go up, but you need to recognize that energy and exchange it from your success,
this book is not going through litmus test but this is our on conclusion and can you say that is just a rough work and the people have a source now let's start to think and purified that open resource this is just Logistics and thinking of mind. in this chapter I want to give a task to you and now your responsibility to complete the task.
i already complete my task by writing this book.
hundreds of research collection is not an easy task or if i purified all myself than its goes to less motivate you, like before because I want you do work as a labor who just dig the minerals and expert purified it so it can help the scientist too and he feel have to do something’s less  and this book is not copy from  any other research or from a convenient source this is done in the absence of and this book is she found affected the idea all the copy or copy from copy from coffee any other research paper performances of a convenient source this is done in absence of data and instrument

                                                 Chapter 1
                                                 The sun
This is my own conclusion that planets not revolve around the sun according to my knowledge and concept the planet revolve apart from the Sun.
Because the entire planet takes energy from the Sun.
The planet move on the focus of sun but the main question is that if it move around the sun than why sun always looks as a rounded boll sometime it has to look rod shape

And if the planet  revolve around the sun than many time we have to see the planet eclipse many time but its not happen because planet revolve not around the sun srt


radious of sun=696000 km
radious of earth =6378 km
radious of venus =6052 km
light takes time to reach on earth =8 min 20 sec
distance between earth and sun= 150000000 km
speed of light=300000 km/sec
=500 sec
All the eight planet

1 Mercury radius =2440 km
2 Venus radius =6052 km
3 Earth radios =6371 km
4 Marks radious = 3390 km
5 Jupiter radious =69911 km
6 Saturn radious=58232 km
7 Uranus radious=25362 km
8 Neptune radious=24622 km
(from sun)
57,910,000 km
4,800 km
108,200,000 km
12,100 km
149,600,000 km
12,750 km
227,940,000 km
6,800 km
778,330,000 km
142,800 km
1,424,600,000 km
120,660 km
4,501,000,000 km
49,500 km
5,945,900,000 km
3,300 km

149,600,000 km

www.thesisclimax.com www.shashibhushankumar.com
                         6378 km                                                                                                                       696000 km

Total =  6378 + 149,600,000 +  696000 =  150302378 km

                                150302378 km

So,  total time take to complete one revolution around the sun is =9.44 
10^8 km


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