06 August 2016

Why was Hippocrates called the "father of medicine"?

A conventionalized image in a Roman "portrait" bust (19th-century engraving)
Native nameἹπποκράτης
Bornc. 460 BC
KosAncient Greece
Diedc.370 BC
Larissa, Ancient Greece
EraClassical Greece
TitleThe Father of Western Medicine

As Greekmedicine.net explains, Hippocrates is known as the father of modern medicine because he was the first doctor who held reason, logic and science to be central in the practice. Before Hippocrates’ teachings spread throughout the world, the practice of medicine was rife magic, superstitions and supernatural elements. While modern medicine has changed greatly since the time of Hippocrates, his dedication to science changed medicine forever.According to Wikipedia, Hippocrates was born in 460 B.C., in the town of Kos, Greece. Hippocrates soon began to view the treatment of the human body differently than his predecessors and contemporaries. His views on medicine, including his assertion that medicine should be considered distinct from philosophy and other disciplines, were revolutionary at the time. This even led to Hippocrates serving a 20 year prison sentence. However, during his incarceration, he wrote many medical manuscripts, including “The Complicated Body.”
Because of his significant contribution, many medical terms and principles are named after Hippocrates. The Hippocratic Oath is an important promise taken by those who intend to practice medicine. Those who take the oath promise to do no harm to their patients, among other principles. Wikipedia indicates that the oath has been replaced by similar oaths in recent times. Additionally, clubbed fingers, first described by Hippocrates, are sometimes called “Hippocratic fingers.
famous quotes Hippocrates?
Some famous quotes from Hippocrates are "For extreme diseases, extreme methods of cure, as to restriction, are most suitable" and "When the disease is at its height, it will then be necessary to use the most slender diet," as translated from Greek to English by Francis Adams. All of the most famous sayings by Hippocrates can be found in the "Aphorisms of Hippocrates" collection.

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