Norbert Straumann
Institute for Theoretical Physics University of Zurich,
CH–8057 Zurich, Switzerland
February 2, 2008
Einstein’s thesis “A New Determination of Molecular Dimensions”
was the second of his five celebrated papers in 1905. Although it is –
thanks to its widespread practical applications – the most quoted of
his papers, it is less known than the other four. The main aim of the
talk is to show what exactly Einstein did in his dissertation. As an
important application of the theoretical results for the viscosity and
excellent value for the Avogadro number from data for sugar dissolved
in water. This was in agreement with the value he and Planck had
obtained from the black-body radiation. Two weeks after he finished
the ‘Doktorarbeit’, Einstein submitted his paper on Brownian motion,
in which the diffusion formula of his thesis plays a crucial role.
1 Introduction
When Einstein’s great papers of 1905 appeared in print, he was not a newcomer
in the Annalen der Physik, where he published most of his early work.
Of crucial importance for his further research were three papers on the foundations
of statistical mechanics, in which he tried to fill what he considered
to be a gap in the mechanical foundations of thermodynamics. At the time
when Einstein wrote his three papers he was not familiar with the work of
Gibbs and only partially with that of Boltzmann. Einstein’s papers form
a bridge, parallel to the Elementary Principles of Statistical Mechanics by
Talk given at the joint colloquium of ETH and the University of Z¨urich, 27 April
Gibbs in 1902, between Boltzmann’s work and the modern approach to statistical
mechanics. In particular, Einstein independently formulated the distinction
between the microcanonical and canonical ensembles and derived the
equilibrium distribution for the canonical ensemble from the microcanonical
distribution. Of special importance for his later research was the derivation
of the energy fluctuation formula for the canonical ensemble.
Einstein’s profound insight into the nature and size of fluctuations played
a decisive role for his most revolutionary contribution to physics: the lightquantum
hypothesis. In this first paper of 1905 he extracted the lightquantum
postulate from a statistical mechanical analogy between radiation
in the Wien regime and a classical ideal gas of material particles. In this consideration
Boltzmann’s principle, relating entropy and probability of macroscopic
states, played a key role. Later Einstein extended these considerations
to an analysis of fluctuations in the energy and momentum of the radiation
field. For the latter he was also drawing on ideas and methods he had
developed in the course of his work on Brownian motion, another beautiful
application of fluctuation theory. This definitely established the reality
of atoms and molecules, and, more generally, gave strong support for the
molecular-kinetic theory of thermodynamics.
Einstein’s Doctoral thesis “A New Determination of Molecular Dimensions”
was the second of his celebrated five papers in 1905. Unfortunately, it
is not sufficiently well known. The main body of the paper is devoted to the
hydrodynamic derivation of a relation between the coefficients of viscosity
of a liquid with and without suspended particles. In addition, Einstein derived
a novel formula for the diffusion constant D of suspended microscopic
particles. This was obtained on the basis of thermal and dynamical equilibrium
conditions, making use of van’t Hoff’s law for the osmotic pressure
and Stokes’ law for the mobility of a particle. Einstein then applied these
two relations to sugar dissolved in water. Using empirical data he got (after
eliminating a calculational error) an excellent value of the Avogadro number
and an estimate of the size of sugar molecules. Einstein’s thesis is the most
quoted among his papers.
Soon afterwards Einstein’s diffusion formula became also important in his
work on Brownian motion. In this celebrated paper he first gave a statistical
mechanical foundation of the osmotic pressure, and then repeated his earlier
derivation in the thesis.
2 Biographical remarks
Einstein devoted his thesis to his friend Marcel Grossmann. Before I come
to a technical discussion of the paper, I would like to give some biographical
and other background.
Until 1909 the ETH was not authorized to grant doctoral degrees. For
this reason a special arrangement enabled ETH students to obtain doctorates
from the University. At the time most dissertations in physics by ETH
students were carried out under the supervision of H.F. Weber, Einstein’s
former teacher at the ‘Polytechnikum’ as it was then called. The University
of Z¨urich had only one physics chair, held by Alfred Kleiner. His main
research was focused on measuring instruments, but he had an interest in
the foundations of physics. From letters to Mileva one can see that Einstein
often had discussions with Kleiner on a wide range of topics. Einstein also
showed him his first dissertation in November 1901. This dissertation has not
survived, and it is not really clear what it contained. At any rate, Einstein
withdrew his dissertation in February 1902. One year later he was giving up
his plan to obtain a doctorate. To Besso he wrote: “the whole comedy has
become tiresome for me”.
By March 1903 he seems to have changed his mind. Indeed, a letter to
Besso contains some of the central ideas of the 1905 dissertation, especially
in the second part of the following quote:
“Have you already calculated the absolute magnitude of ions on
the assumption that they are spheres and so large that the hydrodynamical
equations for viscous fluids are applicable? With
our knowledge of the absolute magnitude of the electron [charge]
this would be a simple matter indeed. I would have done it myself
but lack the reference material and the time; you could also
bring in diffusion in order to obtain information about neutral
salt molecules in solution.”
Kleiner was, of course, one of the two faculty reviewers of the dissertation,
submitted by Einstein to the University on 20 July, 1905. His judgement
was very positive: “the arguments and calculations to be carried out are
among the most difficult in hydrodynamics”. The other reviewer, Heinrich
Burkhardt, Professor for Mathematics at the University, added: “the mode
of treatment demonstrates fundamental mastery of the relevant mathematical
In his biography of Einstein, Carl Seelig reports: “Einstein later laughingly
recounted that his dissertation was first returned by Kleiner with the
comment that it was too short. After he had added a single sentence, it was
accepted without further comment.”
The physical reality of atoms was not yet universally accepted by the
end of the nineteenth century. Fervent opponents were Wilhelm Ostwald
and Georg Helm (who called themselves “energeticists”), and Ernst Mach
admitted only that atomism may have a heuristic or didactic utility.
In his first three papers of 1905, Einstein found three different methods
of determining the Avogadro number. (A few years later he found another
one in his study of critical opalescence.) For him this was not only important
for establishing the existence of atoms. He later wrote to Perrin:
“A precise determination of the size of molecules seems to me of
the highest importance because Planck’s radiation formula can be
tested more precisely through such a determination than through
measurements on radiation.”
3 Einstein’s dissertation
By 1905 several methods for determining molecular sizes were developed.
The most reliable ones were based on kinetic theory of gases. An important
early example is Loschmidt’s work from 1865.1 The following introductory
remarks in Einstein’s dissertation indicate what he adds to this.
“The earliest determinations of real sizes of molecules were possible
by the kinetic theory of gases, whereas the physical phenomena
observed in liquids have thus far not served for the determination
of molecular sizes. This is no doubt due to the fact that it has
not yet been possible to overcome the obstacles that impede the
development of a detailed molecular-kinetic theory of liquids. It
will be shown in this paper that the size of molecules of substances
dissolved in an undissociated dilute solution can be obtained from
the internal friction of the solution and the pure solvent, and from
the diffusion of the dissolved substance within the solvent. (...).”
Beside originality and intuition, great scientists usually also dispose of a
fair amount of technical abilities. That Einstein was not an exception in this
respect, should become clear if we now go into the technical details of his
1J. Loschmidt, Wiener Ber. 52, 395 (1866). See also J.C. Maxwell, Collected Works,
Vol. 2, p. 361.
3.1 Basic equations of hydrodynamics
Let me first recall some general facts of hydrodynamics, that we shall need.
I will use notation that has become standard, and not the one that was
common at the time when Einstein did his work.
For stationary incompressible flows of homogeneous fluids, the Navier-
Stokes equation is
(v · ∇)v = −
∇p +
We consider only situations with small Reynold numbers.Then one can neglect
the left-hand side, and the basic equations become
∇p = − △v, ∇ · v = 0. (1)
These imply that the pressure is harmonic: △p = 0. The same holds for the
vorticity curl v. We also recall the expression for the stress tensor
ij = −p ij + (@ivj + @jvi). (2)
According to (1) this is divergence-free: @j ij = 0. Later we shall also need
the following expression for the rate W at which the stresses do work on the
surface @
bounding a region
W = Z@
vi ijnj dA. (3)
Here, n is the outward pointing unit vector.
3.2 Einstein’s strategy
With Einstein we now consider an incompressible fluid of viscosity 0, in
which a large number of identical, rigid, spherical particles is inserted. This
suspension can be described in two ways: (1) On large scales, in comparison
to the average separation of neighboring solute particles, as a homogeneous
medium with an effective viscosity . (2) By the stationary flow of the fluid
(solvent) that is modified by the suspended particles.
For both descriptions Einstein computes according to (3) the rate of work
for a big region
and obtains by equating the two results the important
= 0 1 +
' , (4)
where ' denotes the fraction of the volume occupied by the suspended particles.
This is assumed to be small (dilute suspension). (Due to a calculational
error, Einstein originally lost the factor 5/2; we shall come back to this amusing
3.3 Velocity field for a single suspended particle
We first adopt the second description. As a preparing task we have to determine
the modification of a flow with constant velocity gradient, say, caused
by a single little ball. Mathematically, we have to solve a boundary value
problem for the elliptic system (1).
So let the unperturbed velocity field be
i = eijxj , (5)
where eij is a constant, symmetric, traceless tensor. The last property reflects
the incompressibility. eij is the deformation tensor (we are not interested in
flows with non-vanishing vorticity). The unperturbed pressure is denoted by
p(0). The stress tensor for the background flow is
ij = −p(0) ij + 2 0eij . (6)
We decompose the modified velocity field v according to
v = v(0) + v(1) (7)
into an unperturbed part plus a perturbation v(1). The boundary conditions
are: v = 0 on the ball with radius a and v = v(0) at infinity. Analogous
decompositions are used for the pressure and the stresses:
p = p(0) + p(1), ij = (0)
ij + (1)
ij , (8)
ij = −p(1) ij + 0(@iv(1)
j + @jv(1)
i ). (9)
For W we then have the decomposition (|
|= volume of
W = 2 0eijeij |
| + eik Z@
ij xknj dA + Z@
i (0)
ij nj dA. (10)
The rigid ball is taken as the origin of a cartesian coordinate system.
Einstein determines the perturbations v(1)
i and p(1) with the help of a method
which is described in Kirchhoff’s “Vorlesungen ¨uber Mechanik”2, which he
had studied during his student years. This involves the following two steps:
a) Determine a function V , which satisfies the equation
△V =
p(1), (11)
2G. Kirchhoff, Vorlesungen ¨uber mathematische Physik, Vol. 1, Mechanik, Teubner
and set
i = @iV + v′
i, (12)
where v′
i has to satisfy the following equations
i = 0, @iv′
i = −
p(1). (13)
Remark on a). As a consequence of (11)-(13) the basic equations for v(1)
i and
p(1) are satisfied:
i = 0@i△V = @ip(1), @iv(1)
i = △V + @iv′
i = 0.
b) Use the following decaying harmonic ansatz for p(1)
= Aeij@i@j 1
r (14)
with a constants A, and try for v′
i the harmonic expression
i = −A˜eik@k 1
r + B@iejk@j@k 1
r . (15)
This fulfills both equations (13) for A˜ = A, because we then have
i = −Aeik@i@k 1
r = −
As a result of △r = 2/r, equation (11) is satisfied for
V =
Aeij@i@jr. (16)
Performing the differentiations in (15) and (16), we obtain
i =
r5 + B 6eik
r5 − 15ejk
r7 . (17)
The boundary condition v(1)
i = −eijxj for r = a requires
A = −
a3, B = −
. (18)
We thus obtain for the perturbation of the velocity field (ni := xi/r)
i = −
r2ninjnk −
6 6eik
r5 − 15ejk
r7 . (19)
According to (12) and (15) for A˜ = A we can represent v(1)
i also as follows
i = −
a3ejk@i@j@k(r) +
a3eik@k 1
r −
a5@iejk@j@k 1
r . (20)
Equation (14) gives for the pressure
p = p(0) − 5 0a3eij
r3 . (21)
Einstein claims that it can be demonstrated that his solution of the
boundary value problem is unique, but he gives only some indications of
what he thinks is a proof. Apparently, he did not know that an elegant
uniqueness proof for such problems was already given in 1868 by Helmholtz.3
Consider for two solutions of the basic equations, for given velocity fields on
the boundaries, the non-negative quantity ( ′
ij − ij)( ′
ij − ij), where ′
ij , ij
are the deformation tensors of the two velocity fields. It is easy to show
that the integral of this function over the region outside the bodies must
vanish. (Use partial integrations and the basic equations (1).) Therefore,
ij = ij . In other words, the deformation tensor for the difference v′
i − vi
of the two velocity fields vanishes. This difference is thus a combination of
a rigid translation and a rigid rotation. Because of the imposed boundary
conditions, the two velocity fields must agree. The pressures for the two
solutions are, therefore, also the same, up to an additive constant.
3.4 Two expressions for the rate W
In (10) we now choose for
a large ball KR with radius R. In leading order
only the first term of (19) contributes, and a routine calculation leads to the
following expression for W in terms of the spherical moments
ninjnknl :=
4 ZS2
ninjnknl d
( ij kl + ik jl + il lk),
W = 2 0eijeij |
| + 20 a3 0eik{3ersninknrns − eisnsnk}
= 2 0eijeij |
| +
a3 .
This holds for a single ball. As long as the suspension is dilute, we obtain
Einstein’s (corrected) result
W = 2 0eijeij |
| 1 +
' . (22)
3H. Helmholtz, “Theorie der station¨aren Str¨ome in reibenden Fl¨ussigkeiten”, Wiss.
Abh., Bd. I, S. 223.
Following Einstein, we now calculate the same quantity by adopting the
first description of the suspension. For this we write the result (20) in the
vi = eijxj + (eik△− ejk@i@j)@kf, (23)
f = −
Ar −
(A and B have the earlier meaning (18)). When the contributions of all the
suspended balls, with number density n, inside the ball KR are summed, we
obtain for the velocity field in KR
vi = eijxj + (eik△ − ejk@i@j)@kF, (25)
F(|x|) = n ZKR
f(|x− x′|) d3x′ =
nA 1
r4 − r2R2 − 2 nB R2 −
r2 .
From this one easily finds
vi = eijxj(1 − '). (27)
Einstein obtained this result slightly differently. We can use it to obtain a
second expression for W:
W = 2 eijeij |
|(1 − 2'). (28)
Comparing (22) and (28) leads to the announced formula (4) due to Einstein.
3.5 Two relations between the Avogadro number
and the molecular radius.
If the rigid balls are molecules, for instance sugar, then
' =
a3NA s
, (29)
where s is the mass density of the solute and ms its molecular weight which
were known to Einstein. In addition, there existed measurements of / 0 for
dilute sugar solutions. Hence, Einstein obtained from (4) a relation between
NA and a.
Using available data, Einstein states the following.4 “One gram of sugar
dissolved in water has the same effect on the coefficient of viscosity as do small
4I give here the later numbers from 1911.
suspended rigid spheres of a total volume of 0.98 cm3.” On the other hand,
the density of an aqueous sugar solution behaves experimentally as a mixture
of water and sugar in dissolved form with a specific volume of 0.61 cm3. (The
latter is also the volume of one gram of solid sugar.) Einstein interprets the
difference of the two numbers as due to an attachment of water molecules to
each sugar molecule. The radius a in (29) is thus a “hydrodynamically effective
radius” of the molecule, which takes the enlargement due to hydration
into account.
In order to be able to determine the two quantities individually, Einstein
searched for a second connection, and thereby found his famous diffusion
formula. Its derivation is quite short, but “extremely ingenious” (A. Pais).
It rests on thermal and mechanical equilibrium considerations.
Assume that a constant external force f acts on the the suspended particles.
This causes a particle current of magnitude nv, where n is the number
density and v = the velocity of the particle current. In equilibrium this
is balanced by the diffusion current −D∇n, D = diffusion constant. The
velocity of the particle current is proportional to f ,
v = bf , b : mobility. (30)
These considerations give us the (dynamical) equilibrium condition
D∇n = nbf . (31)
In thermal equilibrium, the external force is balanced by the gradient of
the osmotic pressure. According to the law of van’t Hoff5 this means
f =
∇n. (32)
Inserting this into the last relation leads to the simple formula
D = kTb. (33)
For the mobility Einstein uses Stokes’ relation
b =
6 0a
5According to this, the osmotic pressure p exerted by the suspended particles is exactly
the same as if they alone were present as an ideal gas. In equilibrium we thus have
nf = ∇p = kT∇n.
and obtains in this way his famous formula
D =
6 0a
, k =
(R = gas constant).
This was almost simultaneously discovered in Australia byWilliam Sutherland.
A beauty of the argument is that the exterior force drops out. Similar
equilibrium considerations between systematic and fluctuating forces were
repeatedly made by Einstein.
3.6 Silence, a calculational error, late attention
By 1909 Perrin’s careful measurements of Brownian motion led to a new value
for Avogadro’s number that was significantly different from the value Einstein
had obtained from his thesis work, and also somewhat different from what
he and Planck had deduced from black-body radiation. Einstein then drew
Perrin’s attention to his hydrodynamical method, and suggested its application
to the suspensions studied by Perrin. Then Jacques Bancelin, a Pupil
of Jean Perrin, checked Einstein’s viscosity formula = 0(1 + '). Bancelin
confirmed that there was an increase of the viscosity that was independent
of the size of the suspended particles, and only depends on the total volume
they occupy. However, he got a stronger increase. Initially, this increase was
too steep; in the publication Bancelin gives the result = 0(1 + 2.9').
On 27 December, 1910 Einstein wrote from Z¨urich to his former student
and collaborator Ludwig Hopf about the puzzling situation, and then adds:
“I have checked my previous calculations and arguments and found
no error in them. You would be doing a great service in this matter
if you would carefully recheck my investigation. Either there
is an error in the work, or the volume of Perrin’s suspended substance
in the suspended state is greater than Perrin believes.”
Hopf indeed found an error in some differentiation process, and got the
formula (4). Einstein communicated the result to Perrin, and published in
(1911) a correction of his thesis in the Annalen. (By the way, this correction
is the second most quoted paper of Einstein.) New experimental data for
sugar solutions now gave the excellent value
NA = 6.56 × 1023 (36)
for the Avogadro number, in good agreement with the results of other methods,
in particular with Perrin’s determination from the Brownian motion, for
which he got the Nobel price in 1926. Both results were discussed by Perrin
in his extensive report at the famous Solvay conference in 1911.
4 Final remarks
In his ‘Autobiographical Notes’ of 1949, what he called his ‘necrology’, Einstein
only briefly describes his applications of classical statistical mechanics.
The thesis is not mentioned at all. About the law of Brownian motion he
“The agreements of these considerations with experience together
with Planck’s determination of the true molecular size from the
law of radiation (for high temperatures) convinced the sceptics,
who were quite numerous at the time (Ostwald, Mach) of the reality
of atoms. The antipathy of these scholars toward atomic theory
can indubitably be traced back to their positivistic philosophical
attitude. This is an interesting example of the fact that even
scholars of audacious spirit and fine instinct can be obstructed in
the interpretation of facts by philosophical prejudices.”
Perrin’s famous book “Les Atomes” of 1913, a classic of twentieth century
physics6, ends with the words:
“The atomic theory has triumphed. Until recently still numerous,
its adversaries, at last overcome, now renounce one after another
their misgivings, which were, for so long, both legitimate and undeniably
Einstein’s very decent value (36) is not quoted in Perrin’s book. This
indicates that Einstein’s thesis was not widely appreciated in the early years.
For this reason Einstein published in 1920 a brief note, drawing attention to
his erratum from 1911, “which till now seems to have escaped the attention
of all who work in this field”.
Since Einstein was so fond of applying physics to practical situations, he
would certainly have enjoyed hearing that his doctoral thesis found so many
6A new edition of the original text has appeared in Flammarion (1991), ISBN 2-08-
081225-4; for an English translation, see: J. Perrin, Atoms, Van Nostrand (1916).
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